It is Notified for the information of all private candidates appearing in B.A (Annual) Examination Session 2017-19, That the following data have been fixed for submission of Registration Forms and Free:-
Number 1=> Data of commencement of Registration. 03-07-2019
Number 2=> Last Date for submission of Registration Forms and Fee without late fee. 25-07-2019
Number 3=> Last date for submission of Registration Forms and fee with late fee of Rs 200/-. 02-08-2019
Number 4=> The Last date for submission of Registration forms and free with double the prescribed. 09-08-2019
Number 5=> The Last date for submission of Registration Forms and fee with triple the prescribed. 30-08-2019
Number 1=> The candidates having passed their intermediate in (Annual) Examination, 2017 or prior are eligible for B.A Registration session 2017-19.
Number 2=> Non-Local/Domicile candidates having Government job within Balochistan will be allowed for B.A. Registration Session 2017-19 subject to production of service certificate from their concerned department.
Number 3=> The candidates belonging to other than Balochistan province will be charged Rs. 3300/- Registration fee, Whereas, the registration fee for the local/domicile of Balochistan is Rs.1100/-.
Copy for information to the:-
Number 1=> P.S.O to Vice Chancellor, University of Balochistan, Quetta.
Number 2=> P.A. to Pro-Vice chancellor, University of Balochistan, Quetta.
Number 3=> Registrar, University of Balochistan, Quetta.
Number 4=> Director Public Relations, Quetta with the request to get this news published in the local dailies, as a news item.
Number 5=> News Editor, Pakistan Broadcasting/Television Corporation, Quetta with the request to get broadcast/Telecast it as a news item in the local news bulletin repeatedly after suitable intervals.
Number 6=> Deputy Controller of Examinations (Conduct), University of Balochistan, Quetta.
Number 7=> Manager, Habib Bank Limited, University Branch, Quetta.
Number 8=> Information Officer, University of Balochistan, Quetta.